I’m a terrible mother. Really. Just ask my kids.

I have ignored them, fed them junk food, and yelled at them. I have even forgotten to pick them up from school (more than once). Shocking. But unless they can convince someone else to look after them I’m the only mother they have. My youngest often makes friends with random mothers at the park, scoping out their potential, but even she is resigned to the fact that she is stuck with me.

This blog is dedicated to all the busy parents who are doing their best – with love and just a bit of guilt – to raise happy, healthy children. Many of the recipes have sugar in them (sac re bleu!), but most are fairly easy, and can include a child or two as kitchen helpers.

A little about me

I work full-time, have four children (18, 21, 30 & 40 years old), three naughty goats, a pumpkin patch that is out of control and sometimes I like to cook.

Having already ruled the interwebs by co-founding the first-ever internet company to launch on the Australian stockmarket, I now work as a digital transformation strategist and business mentor, and when I have time (haha, I know) I love to write. (That’s my book in the sidebar –>)

3 little pumpkins